Winter Automobile Accidents, Driving Safely in Ice and Snow

I am really looking forward to writing a blog post about avoiding motorcycle accidents, because it will be nice and warm when that comes out, unfortunately it’s not quite motorcycle riding weather yet here in Southern Ohio.

As I write this, our temperatures are only in the single digits and the ground is covered in several inches of snow. Driving in winter weather comes with unique risks, so let’s take a look at some tips for avoiding car accidents while driving in snow and ice.

  • Slow Down – This seems like an obvious thing to do but, for some reason, it is a tough one for a lot of people. If you are involved in an accident, caused by someone driving too fast, winter weather or not, you might have a personal injury case. Slow it down and don’t be the person responsible for causing an accident.
  • Focus on Driving – Don’t mess around with your phone, eat breakfast, put on makeup or mess with your radio when conditions are bad. Keep your focus on driving. Distracted driving is dangerous all the time, but it’s even more dangerous when weather conditions are bad.
  • Leave Extra Space – Leave extra space between your vehicle and others. This will give you more time to figure out what to do if you, or another driver, start to lose control of your vehicle. More space, more time!
  • Remove Snow From Your Vehicle – If your car or truck is covered with snow, push all of it off before you go out on the roads. The snow can reduce your visibility and be a danger to other drivers. In some situations, a driver could be found liable for damages caused to other vehicles by snow or ice falling from their vehicle.
  • Windshield Washer Fluid – Make sure you have a full reservoir and it’s not a bad idea to keep an extra jug in your vehicle. It’s cheap and good visibility is vital for safe driving.
  • Stay Home – If it’s an option, or public officials are telling you to stay off the roads, just stay home. Also, be aware that whenever your Ohio county is under a “Level 3 Snow Emergency”, that means the local roads are closed and only emergency vehicles should be out driving on them.

These are a few basic tips to help you avoid automobile accidents this winter. Another good general safety tip is to be prepared to be stuck somewhere if you drive. Make sure you have the proper winter gear stored in your vehicle. Things like blankets, first-aid kits, ice melt/salt, shovels, ice scrapers, flares, coats, hats and gloves are all a good to have on hand if you get stuck. Be safe this winter and give us a call here at Warren Law Firm if you need any personal injury advice or help.

And, if you need any help this winter, contact us at Warren Law Firm…

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