Commercial Truck Load Safety

Commercial truck load safety is very important. Construction season is underway here in Chillicothe and Southern Ohio which means commercial trucks are traveling our roadways loaded down with construction-related materials. Unfortunately, trucking companies have a bad habit of ignoring the rules and regulations they are required to follow, especially with regard to loads. Unsafe loads often trigger injury accidents.

There are rules and regulations that commercial trucking companies, and commercial truck drivers, are required to follow with regard to loads. Some of those regulations include making sure the load is properly secured, marking anything in the load that extends a certain distance beyond the truck body, so other drives can easily identify it, and ensuring their load doesn’t exceed weight limits for roadways and for the truck itself.

A load that exceeds weight limits of a truck, roadway or bridge can be a serious danger. The weight can negatively impact the performance of the truck making it more difficult for the driver to stop and safely navigate turns, it can cause mechanical failure or damage to roads and bridges. Trucks, highways and bridges all have weight limits and whenever those limits are exceeded it creates dangerous situations that can result in personal injury.

When truck drivers, and the trucking companies they work for, fail to comply with the rules and regulations established to ensure load safety, they can be held responsible for injuries and damages caused by resulting accidents.

If you believe an unsafe commercial truck load was the cause of an accident in which you suffered injuries, the trucking company could be responsible. It is important for you contact a lawyer right away, so they can ensure your rights to compensation are preserved. We can help you figure out how to proceed in a case like this here at Warren Law Firm. Contact us anytime!

If you do need our help following an injury accident, give us a call or submit an email HERE.