Personal Injury Settlement Negotiation – Step 5 of Our Process

After we finish the preliminary interview and investigation process takes, we move on to step five of our six-step personal injury case process here at Warren Law Firm and that is the settlement negotiation. Our process ensures your legal situation is handled as efficiently as possible. Sometimes we can negotiate a settlement and avoid going to court. Just to recap, the six steps are…

  1. Evaluation
  2. Determine Compensation
  3. Verify Compensation Sources
  4. Preliminary Interview and Investigation
  5. Settlement Negotiation
  6. File Lawsuit


The fifth step, after completing the interview and investigation phase, is where attempt to negotiate an acceptable settlement with the person who harmed you.

The settlement negotiation process could involve the person who harmed  you, their insurance company and, in some cases, representatives from a business. At this point in our process we will already have information about what compensation sources are available. An insurance company could be one of them.

A settlement negotiation might involve several rounds of negotiations with all of the parties involved. In some cases, we might use a more structured negotiating process with a trained mediator. A mediator is an expert at managing negotiations between groups of people. They basically act as a manager for the negotiation process keeping things organized and efficient.

The decision to settle is ultimately up to you. We will help you navigate settlement terms and make sure nobody pushes you into making a bad decision. The Warren Law Firm team will be there to help every step of the way but the power to make the final settlement decision will be yours.

There are many benefits to settling a case if you can get acceptable terms. You’ll get paid faster and avoid going to trial. We will make every attempt to settle your claim but if that isn’t possible we’ll move on to filing a lawsuit.

In our next post, we will go over step six in which is filing the lawsuit. if  you need legal help, or have a personal injury legal question, send us an email HERE or give us a call. We’re here to help!