welder with a hot rod

Three Good Reasons to Sue Your Job

I was injured at work. What are my options?

You likely qualify for workers’ compensation benefits if you were recently injured at work. However, workers’ comp benefits may be one of many options when seeking compensation after an injury on the job.

Most people assume Ohio workers’ compensation is the only solution following an accident at work, and a worker hurt on the job can never directly sue their boss. While this tends to be a general rule, there are exceptions.

Situations Where a Work Injury Lawsuit is Your Best Option

Ohio’s no-fault workers’ comp system means you usually can’t sue your job due to an injury you suffered at work. Yet, there are limited circumstances in which employers may be liable for damages workers suffer. To understand instances where suing is the best way to obtain maximum compensation for your injuries, see the following examples:

testimonial image1. You’re a mechanic at a paper mill. You recently fractured your arm in four different places after your boss ordered you to fix a jam in one of the machines without shutting down production. He knew this was a violation of the company’s safety protocol. In this scenario, your employer knowingly and intentionally put you in a dangerous situation likely to cause injury. Therefore, they may be held liable for damages beyond what workers’ compensation covers.

2. You work at a local fulfillment center. You recently experienced a severe slip-and-fall accident after your employer neglected to fix a roof leak causing slippery floors near your workstation. After filing for workers’ comp, you learn that your claim was denied and that your boss has lied and omitted details about the circumstance involving your accident. Because your employer denied your claim in bad faith, you may be able to pursue a work injury lawsuit.

3. You are the lead welder at a steel factory. Recently you experienced severe burns on both arms after your boss insisted you work without proper safety attire due to a supply shortage. In this case, your employer removed an equipment safety guard and deliberately put your safety at risk. The best course of action may be to sue.

Get in Touch With a Work Injury Attorney

If you suffered an injury at work in Ohio and feel your situation warrants legal action, you should seek an attorney consultation as soon as possible. You don’t have to deal with your injuries’ physical, emotional, and financial effects alone.

For over three decades, Warren Law Firm has worked hard to protect the rights of Ohio’s workforce. Our law firm works fast and effectively. We will file your claim as soon as we accept your case to ensure you recover the maximum compensation as quickly as possible. Your rest and recovery are our priority.

Contact Warren Law Firm to talk to a Chillicothe workers’ compensation attorney today!

Featured image by Greg Rosenke.